kinit programming

melissa_benkyo wyl_lyf at
Fri Apr 16 13:37:36 EDT 2004

I'm looking it up. and I'm using SEAM kerberos. I don't think it
supports the kerberos API calls. Has anyone done kinit with SEAM


wyl_lyf at (melissa_benkyo) wrote in message news:<304f3217.0404160550.7d7abe4a at>...
> hello all,
> I finally got the gss-server and gss-client and kerberos setups under
> control. :D Now I post another problem for you guys. right now I need
> to do a kinit before I proceed to use the gss-sample code. Is it
> possible to code the kinit program? can this be done using gss-api
> calls or kerberos calls?
> any insights are much appreciated. thanks!
> have a nice weekend guys! 
> melissa

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