setup kerberos client

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Tue Apr 13 10:10:26 EDT 2004

melissa_benkyo wrote:

> hi sridhar,
> thanks for the reply. I did the steps you mentioned but the solaris
> machine is looking up the sample/<solaris machine>@REALM.COM according
> to the log. and if I add the sample/<solaris machine>@REALM.COM to the
> keytab on the linux machine it says that the
>>>GSS-API error acquiring credentials: Miscellaneous failure
>>>GSS-API error acquiring credentials: No principal in keytab matches
>>>desired name
> any insights as to what the problem might be?
> thanks!

The machine the GSSAPI service is running on must see the same name
for the machine as the client machine does from DNS.  The GSSAPI
Service does not look for a keytab entry matching the client request,
it attempts to load the keytab entry when it starts.

I agree there are few good ways to debug this other then tracing the
gssapi library calls inside a debugger.

Jeffrey Altman

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