Windows with MIT krb5 and OpenLDAP

Sensei noone at
Fri Apr 9 11:43:17 EDT 2004


I've built an afs cell, a kerberos kdc, an openldap server, all
kerberized. Now all linux clients can login on the cell using k5
authentication, finding informations about their home dirs with ldap.
Their home reside on the afs cell, which allows r/w access since it
releases a token from the k5 ticket. All macosx clients can login as
well... but what about windows? ^___^;;;

Has anyone handled remote authentication with a mit kdc and openldap?

I know I can set a AD server, but this means creating other settings on
another server, and keep everything up to date between the kdc and ad can
be really mad... Moreover, I didn't find anything about afs home
directories, and all the users should mount their afs homes...

Any hint?

Sensei    <mailto:senseiwa at>
          <msn-id:Sensei_Sen at>
A)bort, R)etry, I)nfluence with large hammer.

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