Problem in running gss.exe of kfw 2.6 using MSLSA cache and using Active Directory as kdc

Vikas Gandhi vgandhi at
Mon Apr 5 12:08:57 EDT 2004

In function IsKerberosLogon()
if ( !lstrcmp(L"Kerberos",buffer) )
	Success = TRUE;
The value of buffer in NTLM so success is false.

The stack before.....
	krb5_32.dll!IsKerberosLogon()  Line 465	C
 	krb5_32.dll!krb5_lcc_resolve(_krb5_context * context=0x003c2e38,
_krb5_ccache * * id=0x0012f75c, const char * residual=0x003c506e) 
Line 1102 + 0x5	C
 	krb5_32.dll!krb5_cc_resolve(_krb5_context * context=0x003c2e38,
const char * name=0x003c5068, _krb5_ccache * * cache=0x0012f75c)  Line
122 + 0x14	C
 	krb5_32.dll!krb5_cc_default(_krb5_context * context=0x003c2e38,
_krb5_ccache * * ccache=0x0012f75c)  Line 53 + 0x17	C
 	krb5_32.dll!krb5int_cc_default(_krb5_context * context=0x003c2e38,
_krb5_ccache * * ccache=0x0012f75c)  Line 145	C
 	gssapi32.dll!acquire_init_cred()  Line 200 + 0xd	C
 	gssapi32.dll!krb5_gss_acquire_cred(unsigned int *
minor_status=0x0012fa8c, void * desired_name=0x00000000, unsigned int
time_req=4294967295, gss_OID_set_desc_struct *
desired_mechs=0x00000000, int cred_usage=1, void * *
output_cred_handle=0x0012f8d8, gss_OID_set_desc_struct * *
actual_mechs=0x00000000, unsigned int * time_rec=0x00000000)  Line 427
+ 0x36	C
 	gssapi32.dll!kg_get_defcred(unsigned int * minor_status=0x0012fa8c,
void * * cred=0x0012f8d8)  Line 146 + 0x19	C
 	gssapi32.dll!krb5_gss_init_sec_context(unsigned int *
minor_status=0x0012fa8c, void * claimant_cred_handle=0x00000000, void
* * context_handle=0x0012fd00, void * target_name=0x003c50e8,
gss_OID_desc_struct * mech_type=0x00000000, unsigned int req_flags=6,
unsigned int time_req=0, gss_channel_bindings_struct *
input_chan_bindings=0x00000000, gss_buffer_desc_struct *
input_token=0x00000000, gss_OID_desc_struct * *
actual_mech_type=0x00000000, gss_buffer_desc_struct *
output_token=0x0012fad8, unsigned int * ret_flags=0x0012fcbc, unsigned
int * time_rec=0x00000000)  Line 909 + 0xd	C
>	gssapi32.dll!gss_init_sec_context(unsigned int *
minor_status=0x0012fa8c, void * claimant_cred_handle=0x00000000, void
* * context_handle=0x0012fd00, void * target_name=0x003c50e8,
gss_OID_desc_struct * mech_type=0x00000000, unsigned int req_flags=6,
unsigned int time_req=0, gss_channel_bindings_struct *
input_chan_bindings=0x00000000, gss_buffer_desc_struct *
input_token=0x00000000, gss_OID_desc_struct * *
actual_mech_type=0x00000000, gss_buffer_desc_struct *
output_token=0x0012fad8, unsigned int * ret_flags=0x0012fcbc, unsigned
int * time_rec=0x00000000)  Line 262 + 0x39	C
 	gss-sample.exe!client_establish_context()  Line 226 + 0x2f	C
 	gss-sample.exe!call_server()  Line 386 + 0x25	C
 	gss-sample.exe!main()  Line 679 + 0x49	C
 	gss-sample.exe!mainCRTStartup()  Line 259 + 0x19	C


Jeffrey Altman <jaltman2 at> wrote in message news:<4071078E.7090100 at>...
> I have no idea why you can't find the MSLSA: credential cache.
> Since you have built from source why don't you trace it in the
> debugger.  You should be able to figure it out quite easily.
>     src/athena/auth/krb5/src/lib/krb5/ccache/cc_mslsa.c

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