Patch for Simons openssh gssapi patch for multihomed systems

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 24 13:25:28 EDT 2003

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Wettstein <greg at> writes:

    Greg> On Sep 23, 7:31pm, "Markus Moeller" wrote: } Subject: Patch
    Greg> for Simons openssh gssapi patch for multihomed systems

    >> Here is a patch on top of Simons gssapi patch for openssh
    >> 3.6.1p2 to support multihomed systems.

    Greg> Truely a god in the making.... :-)

    Greg> Thanks a BUNCH Markus, if this works its going to be
    Greg> extremely useful to those of us that have been fighting with
    Greg> multi-homed systems for a longn time.

I second this.  I'm evaluating for including in the Debian ssh-krb5

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