Kerberos 1.3.1 on HPUX ?

Jin Zhou jinz at
Fri Sep 5 13:08:35 EDT 2003


Has anybody successfully compiled/built Kerberos 1.3.1 on HPUX (11, 11i,
10.20) ?

The HP ANSI C compiler (to be accurate, the cpp.ansi pre-processor) on
my system dies with signal 11 when it tries to process aestab.c, and
there is no other error message.

In addition, HPUX doesn't have "inet_ntop()", and the MIT version of
"inet_ntop" macro is causing error due to the incompatible data types.
The error message is:

cc: "dispatch.c", line 58: error 1647: Illegal integer-pointer
combination for second and third operands of conditional expression

I'm wondering whether I can re-implement a C version of inet_ntop() to
replace the macro one?

If somebody has already built krb5 1.3.1 on any of HPUX, can you do a
"swlist -l product" and let me know what version of HP ANSI C compiler
you have on your HPUX system?

I wonder whether GNU C could build krb5 1.3.1 without problem....



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