Funding - Authentication Technologies for Automotive Wireless Applications

K. Stark, Ph.D. kstark at
Fri Oct 10 16:11:02 EDT 2003

NineSigma Funding Opportunity:
Authentication Technologies for Automotive Wireless Applications

Funding Organization: Delphi Corporation

Project Objective: NineSigma, representing Delphi Corporation , a multi-national world leader in mobile electronics, transportation components, and systems technology, is seeking proposals (technical and cost) for authentication technologies in automotive wireless applications. In particular, user-friendly technologies that are ready to be incorporated into existing mobile multimedia systems are of interest, as are newer technologies that can become part of ongoing development programs within Delphi. 

Individuals, companies, and organizations are encouraged to respond with ready-to-demonstrate technologies as well as research and development proposals.

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Anticipated project duration:

Demonstration of feasibility in 6-12 months.		
Follow-on development contingent on success of demonstration.

Anticipated project maximum budget:

Varies depending on scope of work.

Proposal Abstracts Due: October 27, 2003 

NineSigma Contact: Kevin C. Stark, Ph.D.,19460

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