How can i build leash32 sdk in VC++ 6.0 ???

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Thu Nov 20 09:34:57 EST 2003

Visual C++/.NET project files are not portable across operating systems. 
  Therefore, KfW is built in the Unix tradition using a combination of 
Makefile, perl, awk, sed, etc.

Assuming you have download KfW 2.5, please read


It contains all the information regarding which tools are required:

   MS VC++ 6 SP5
   MS Platform SDK (August 2001 or later)
   ActiveState Perl

as well as the commands needed to build both debug and release versions.

Jeffrey Altman

Peter Ju wrote:
> Hello...
> I've got the leash32 sdk in MIT to build and debug kerberos communication
> process..
> But there are no .dsp or .dsw which in generally using in VC++, instead 
> there are 'Makefile.src' and 'leash32.dep' .. What is this?? i've some short
> experienced in VC++, so these files are very strange and hard to use for me..A
> And it seems that debugging for each process is not possible, maybe..
> Is there any good way to compile this sdk in VC more easier??

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