script question

Kim Holburn kim.holburn at
Mon Nov 10 00:46:01 EST 2003

I am trying to write a script to create users.  In some parts of the script I need to have a plain admin ticket and using the command:
  kinit xxxx -c /tmp/admin.cache
gets me one happily.

In another part of the script I need to set the user's password.  For this I need a kadmin ticket which I can get with this command:
kinit xxxx -c /tmp/kadmin.cache -S kadmin/admin
(or invoking kadmin)

I really don't want to force administrators to put in their passwords twice so how can I have both these tickets in a cache?  

I tried ksu but can't quite get it to do that - well maybe I could if it would honour the -C option but it doesn't.

(debian woody kerberos 1.2.4)
Kim Holburn  
Network Consultant - Telecommunications Engineering
Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering
Australian National University - Ph: +61 2 61258620 M: +61 0417820641
Email: kim.holburn at  - PGP Public Key on request

Life is complex - It has real and imaginary parts.
     Andrea Leistra (rec.arts.sf.written.Robert-jordan)

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