realm aliasing?

Karl Pitrich pit at
Mon May 12 07:52:00 EDT 2003

hi all,

some proprietary win2k app (active directory),
which iam to authenticate to, returns only a partial realm name. 

i receive account at AAA but the realm is really account at AAA.TEST.COM,
can i somehow 'alias' the realm AAA to AAA.TEST.COM?

i tried to configure another realm like this:

  AAA = {
     kdc = a.b.c.d
     default_domain =

but kinit then tells:

  > kinit test at AAA
    Password for test at AAA: 
    kinit(v5): KDC reply did not match expectations while getting
    initial credentials

but it works fine if i use AAA.TEST.COM = { .. }

any hints?



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