Password-less authentication with OpenSSH 3.6.1 and krb5/GSSAPI

Parag Godkar paragg at
Sat Jun 28 00:32:10 EDT 2003

> A few days ago someone posted a problem here where they couldn't get
> password-less authentication working properly with OpenSSH 3.6.1 patched
> with Simon Wilkinson's GSSAPI patch and compiled with krb5. I've deleted
> the messages out so I'm not sure who it was.

It was I who posted the problem.

> I've since run into the same problem, it seems that OpenSSH with Simon's
> patch doesn't enable GSSAPI properly when built out of the box. Maybe a
> problem with the patched ./configure or or autoconf or
> something. You can quickly check the status by running 'grep -i gssapi
> Makefile' and seeing if you've got the GSSAPI stuff being linked into
> the OpenSSH build or not.
> I found that after applying Simon's patch, I had to run the OpenSSH
> configure as this :
> ./configure --with-kerberos5=<path_to_MITkrb5_installed_src>
> --with-cppflags="-DGSSAPI -I/usr/local/include/gssapi"
> --with-libs="-lgssapi_krb5"
> and this builds a good OpenSSH with GSSAPI that does not prompt for
> passwords between systems ( tested on two RedHat Linux boxes and MIT
> krb5 1.2.8 ).

Great ! I will try this. I have been trying very hard but without
success. I have also tried all suggestions given to me but things
were not working.

Hope this helps me.

Thanks for the post Kerry.

Parag Godkar

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