Preauthentication Failed

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Sun Jun 15 15:31:56 EDT 2003

>>>>> "Matthijs" == Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs at> writes:

    Matthijs> A couple of days ago i've got this error:
    Matthijs> matthijs at server:~$ kinit Password for
    Matthijs> matthijs at ACTIVE2.HOMELINUX.ORG: kinit(v5):
    Matthijs> Preauthentication failed while getting initial
    Matthijs> credentials matthijs at server:~$

Password incorrect or time stamp errors are almost always what is
going on in this case.  We have improved the error messages for both
cases in the upcoming Kerberos 1.3 release.

There are some other things that can cause this problem if your KDC
and client have an incompatible set of enctypes.  However, I believe
that the 1.2.4-5woody4 packages have enough of the bug fixes for this
problem that you should not see it under normal circumstances unless
you have very old clients talking to your Debian KDC--clients older
than were ever shipped with Debian.  Again, these issues are fixed in
the upcoming Kerberos 1.3 release.  Installing a new KDC once it is
released should cause old clients to start working.

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