Windows 2000 Server as KDC shane.stakem at
Tue Jul 15 20:49:04 EDT 2003

Windows 2000 Server is by "Default" a Primary KDC as Windows uses it natively. Kerberos doesn't use 749/750 it uses port 88. There is a Kerberos admin cli application supplied on the Win2K server CD somewhere...can't remember specifics though.

Shane Stakem 

> ----------
> From: 	Wayne Rasmussen
> Sent: 	Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:18 PM
> To: 	kerberos at MIT.EDU
> Subject: 	Windows 2000 Server as KDC
> A few questions:
> 1)  Does Windows 2000 server have a kerberos administrator server
> installed?  Doesn't appear to have one as posts 749/750 are not open.
> Is there supposed to be one and at what port.
> 2)  Is there a way on the Windows 2000 Server to test the TGT and TST
> say via command  prompt in cmd.exe?
> Not sure that I have everything setup on my solaris 9 client side
> krb.conf and kdc.conf files.
> thanks,
> wayne
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