MIT Kerberos 1.3

Sam Hartman hartmans at
Fri Jul 11 08:50:42 EDT 2003

>>>>> "silvio" == silvio  <silvio at> writes:

    silvio> I noticed that Kerberos 1.3 isn't avaible outside
    silvio> USA/Canada yet in, any idea
    silvio> when it will be?

No idea, but Debian is distributing 1.3 beta5.  There were no code
changes between 1.3 beta5 and the actual 1.3 release.  The only thing
that changed was version numbers and release notes.

See  Look at
krb5_1.2.99-1.3.beta5.orig.tar.gz for inmodified MIT sources.

Debian will presumably pick up the 1.3 release relatively soon.

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