ksu error

Jim Barlow jbarlow at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Thu Jan 30 18:09:13 EST 2003

I am getting the folloging error when I use ksu.  If I have a ticket and
run ksu it works fine.  However, if I destroy the ticket and then try
ksu I get:

% ksu
WARNING: Your password may be exposed if you enter it here and are logged 
         in remotely using an unsecure (non-encrypted) channel. 
Kerberos password for jbarlow at NCSA.EDU: 
ksu: Bad address while getting initial credentials
Authentication failed.

I can use kinit and then do ksu and it works fine.  Also, it doesn't matter if
the password is correct or not, still get the same message (and I don't see
any logs messages in the kdc when I run this ksu command).  Anyone seen this
sort of problem?

I have seen a similar issue with ksu if the /etc/hosts entry didn't have the
fully qualified domain name first.  With that one I got the error:

ksu: Incorrect net address while geting credentials from kdc

Similar, but not the same (and ksu does work with a ticket).

James J. Barlow   <jbarlow at ncsa.uiuc.edu>
Senior System/Security Engineer
National Center for Supercomputing Applications    Voice : (217)244-6403
605 East Springfield Avenue   Champaign, IL 61820   Cell : (217)840-0601
http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/~jbarlow                    Fax : (217)244-1987

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