Changing default keytab name problem

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 19 07:39:07 EST 2003

>>>>> "Illia" == Illia Baidakov <illia at> writes:

    Illia> Hello, Kerberos!  I wish to change default name and
    Illia> location of keytab file.  When I run kadmin and type "ktadd
    Illia> -k /some/where/krb5.keytab primary/instance at REALM", the
    Illia> command has success.  But when I add "default_keytab_name =
    Illia> /some/where/krb5.keytab" relation to [libdefaults] section
    Illia> of /etc/krb5.conf file, the command "ktadd
    Illia> primary/instance at REALM" returns the error message "kadmin:
    Illia> Cannot write to specified key table while adding key to
    Illia> keytab".  The target directory has 755-mode permissions.
    Illia> Without adding default_kaytab_name relation the latter
    Illia> command creates /etc/krb5.keytab file successfully.

Try using WRFILE:/path/to/krb5.keytab instead of just the pathname.
This should work with 1.3.1 and should work with kadmin from any
version, but may break some services accessing the keytab with
Kerberos older than 1.3.

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