Macintosh Safari Browser and IIS with Kerberos

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 5 11:53:28 EST 2003

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Alsop <Tim.Alsop at CyberSafe.Ltd.UK> writes:

    Tim>    In this particular example we have a Web application which
    Tim> needs user credentials to communicate with a back-end
    Tim> system. We are therefore able to control the use of
    Tim> credential forwarding within the scope of this
    Tim> application. However, the Safari browser does not appear to
    Tim> support the credential delegation capability that MS have
    Tim> implemented in IE/IIS. If the account principal used for IIS
    Tim> server is set to 'ok as delegate' in AD then a Safari browser
    Tim> is supposed to obtain a forwarded tgt from the KDC and pass
    Tim> to IIS server, but it is not doing this.

Again, it is not clear that implementing this is a reasonable policy
decision for Apple.  How do they handle thiyngs in the non-AD case?

My point is that Apple needs to distinguish your case from cases where
forwarding is inappropriate.  Doing so will require design and
implementation work.

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