Win logon to a MIT Kerberos V KDC?

Actually davidchr davespam at
Mon Sep 30 21:22:44 EDT 2002

The Kerberos protocol uses GMT, so as long as your timezones are correct
(including daylight savings) within the 5-minute defaults, clock skew
should have no impact on preauthentication.

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Hasenack [mailto:andreas at] 
> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 3:27 PM
> To: Tony Hoyle
> Cc: kerberos at
> Subject: Re: Win logon to a MIT Kerberos V KDC?
> Em Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 10:26:17PM +0100, Tony Hoyle escreveu:
> > With no preauthentication login succeeds.
> It could have nothing to do with it, but at one time I had 
> such a problem with krb5 on linux and win2k as a kdc, and it 
> turned out to be a time offset problem (since preauth is 
> basically timestamp). But not a "regular" offset problem, 
> time was synced within 10s tops. Know what it was? Daylight 
> saving :) Somehow the two machines (kdc and client) didn't 
> agree about the timezone even though the "date/time" commands 
> showed no difference.
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