MD5 tickets and Windows 2000

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at
Wed Oct 30 04:42:47 EST 2002

>>>>> "Sam" == Sam Hartman <hartmans at> writes:

>>>>> "Nathan" == Nathan Ward <nward at> writes:
    Nathan> vs des-cbc-md5?  Do encryption types matter that much?

    Sam> Yes.  You really want to be using an encryption type stronger
    Sam> than DES.  Unfortunately released MIT code does not share an
    Sam> encryption type stronger than any of the DES types with
    Sam> Microsoft.

    Sam> They support rc4; we support 3des.

    Sam> MIT's support for des-cbc-md5 should be fine in the client
    Sam> code, but you probably do not want to use des-cbc-md5 with an
    Sam> MIT KDC.

Don't quite understand if you say 'yes' or 'no' to the workings
of des-cbc-md5, but I have successfully configured a Windows service
key (ie, using a MIT KDC and a Windows client) to use a des-cbc-md5:normal
encryption type.

Are you saying this is not ok/insecure?
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