Combined LDAP/KDC for AD 'compat' (Was: Win logon to a MIT Kerberos V KDC?)

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at
Tue Oct 8 01:43:39 EDT 2002

Quoting Luke Howard <lukeh at PADL.COM>:

> >> We don't actively maintain this backend; we have an internal
> >> LDAP KDC backend that uses a different schema, and that's
> >> where our efforts are focused at present.
> >
> >And this is based on Heimdal?
> Yes. (We added support for dynamically loadable backends to
> Heimdal.)

How long did it take you (and 'your' crew) to do this? Design not
included (man hours that is)? 

I don't know if I have the knowledge or time to do something similar
for MIT (I can't switch to Heimdal now unfortunatly) so I call to
anyone interested in adding this for MIT Kerberos to either do it
themselfs, or at least help out. The more interested the less will
my inability matter :)

I really, really want this functionality for MIT Kerberos!

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