microsoft xp gssapi client talking to solaris8 gssapi server

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Sun Oct 6 13:38:19 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Hoyle <tmh at> writes:
    Tony> Similarly, with the MIT tarball, I grab it from the UK
    Tony> debian mirror as a .deb and extract it.  The export was not
    Tony> done by me & I haven't broken any laws by downloading it.

    Tony> However KFW is only available from MIT, and the only way to
    Tony> get it is to bypass their 'are you in the US' checking.
    Tony> This makes it damned hard to distribute, because I have to
    Tony> break some law or other to download it.

OK, it's certainly true that with KFW, you do not currently have
someone to conveniently handle the export for you.

BTW, even given a keytab, I can construct a valid domain login.

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