kdb5_util dump on host1 && kdb5_util load on host2

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at bayour.com
Tue May 21 14:34:44 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Williams <Nicolas.Williams at ubsw.com> writes:

    Nicolas> Are you using different KDB master keys on the two hosts?
    Nicolas> That would explain the decrypt integrity check failure
    Nicolas> message from the KDC. If so then you must change the
    Nicolas> master key during dumping. There's a couple of
    Nicolas> undocumented options for this, -mkey_convert and
    Nicolas> -new_mkey_file <stash filename>.

Either I miss understood you, or it's not available in my version...

----- s n i p -----
tuzjfi:~/papadoc# kdb5_util load -update -verbose -mkey_convert -new_mkey_file stash krb5-20020521
Usage: kdb5_util cmd [-r realm] [-d dbname] [-k mkeytype] [-M mkeyname]
                 [-m] [cmd options]
        create  [-s]
        destroy [-f]
        stash   [-f keyfile]
        dump    [-old] [-ov] [-b6] [-verbose] [filename [princs...]]
        load    [-old] [-ov] [-b6] [-verbose] [-update] filename
        dump_v4 [filename]
        load_v4 [-t] [-n] [-v] [-K] [-s stashfile] inputfile
        ark     [-e etype_list] principal
----- s n i p -----

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