FQDN needed by sasl_gss_client_step or gss_import_name?

Booker C. Bense bbense at networking.stanford.edu
Fri May 17 21:21:01 EDT 2002

On Fri, 17 May 2002, Dave Snoopy wrote:

> I don't know too much about this, but perhaps I should
> mention that when my ldap client gave its error, it
> hadn't yet done anything with the KDC/PDC besides
> requesting the supported SASL types (I did a network
> trace on all ports with my KDC/PDC). In other words,
> this was a totally internal Kerberos error, and not a
> problem with it finding a host on the network.

- Yes, it was a problem with finding a DNS record
on the network.

> Just wanted to make that clear. It doesn't impact your
> conversation, but could it mean that my problem may be
> of a different nature? My IT manager is not about to
> change his DNS entries for me. Does this mean that
> I'll have to edit the Kerberos code somehow to make it
> do what I need?

- You can cheat around this problem by using the local
hosts file to override the DNS entry.

- Booker C. Bense

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