login.krb5 not accepting root password

Wyllys Ingersoll wyllys at eng.sun.com
Mon Mar 18 11:25:39 EST 2002

>>>So what should I do so I can login with my local root account again
>>>using login.krb5 ??
>>Either don't use MD5 passwords (which is usually some sort of
>>configuration option on your system, but isn't recommended) or don't use
>>login.krb5 on Linux as /bin/login.
>>On Linux, a Kerberos PAM module is usually a better idea.
>I need to use login.krb5 abosulutely, else how can I authenticate my 
>users with kerberos and let them login ??
Mr. Someone  :)

As the previous response suggested - use standard /bin/login program but 
PAM so that pam_krb5 is the default authentication module for login.
If you are unfamiliar with PAM, try 'man pam' (on Linux or Solaris).
This will provide you with alot more flexibility and still meet your 
to have users authenticate with Kerberos.  


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