Tickets accepted upon login but still prompted for password

Donn Cave donn at
Fri Mar 15 16:58:40 EST 2002

Quoth bbense at ("Booker C. Bense"):
| On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Rechenberg, Andrew wrote:
| > OK, I put a .k5login file in $HOME and it works, but I don't
| > want to have to do this for 500+ users.  :(  Any other suggestions?
| >
| - You'll need to patch the src code. Look in
| - I'm not sure it's the best way to do it, but that's what
| we do here.

Best way to do what?  I see that your patch makes .k5login policy
depend on existence of another file, if absent then .k5login is
required.  And the comments explain why.  But how would that help
in the present case?  I must have missed something about the setup
there - it looked to me like he would want the normal default
behavior from krb5_kuserok(), and I don't see why he would need

	Donn Cave, donn at

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