kadm5.acl rights for foreign principals

Ken Hornstein kenh at cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Tue Mar 12 14:25:38 EST 2002

>Kerberos FAQ states its possible (althoug does not recommend)
>we can refer foreign principals giving them rights in kadm5.acl 
>file if we trust foreign KDC.

Are you sure it says that?  As the author of the Kerberos FAQ, I can't
find that (it does mention about ACLs, but doesn't specifically mention

>Since we have a multi-realm KDC and in real life the same
>people will manage those realms, I'd like to give permissions
>to the same principal and if possible I wouldn't like
>create user/admin at REALM1, user/admin at REALM2. I just want to
>insert a entry for user/admin at REALM1 in kadm5.acl file
>for each domain. 

Unfortunately ... because kadmin/admin is set to only allow AS_REQ based
requests (which you don't want to change, trust me) and there's no way
to do cross-realm without a TGS-based request, then you're stuck.  You can't
do what you want.


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