Paper: Feasibility of attacking Windows 2000 Kerberos Passwords

Jacques A. Vidrine n at
Wed Mar 6 08:26:31 EST 2002

On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 12:14:24PM +0000, Frank O'Dwyer wrote:
> I have uploaded a paper on the feasibility of dictionary attacking/brute
> forcing Windows 2000 Kerberos passwords (via sniffing the encrypted
> timestamp pre-authentication data) that may be of interest.
> I am aware that the vulnerability will not be news to anyone here, and the
> solutions are also pretty obvious, but as far as I know this has not
> received much public discussion in the context of W2K. It is also pretty
> clear that the public perception of W2K Kerberos strength against this sort
> of attack is not accurate.
> See

Funny, I wrote a paper with a similar topic earlier this year, except
that (1) it covers the PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP, AS-REP, and TGS-REP, (2)
addresses more encryption types, and (3) has numbers for an actual
password cracker.  I have not yet published it --- it is being
reviewed for a conference.  I was unsure about publishing the code
(both the time measurement code and of course the password cracker).

I look forward to reading yours!
Jacques A. Vidrine <n at>           
NTT/Verio SME           .      FreeBSD UNIX      .        Heimdal Kerberos
jvidrine at      .   nectar at   .           nectar at

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