alpha release of Krb5::KDB perl modules

Dave Steiner steiner at
Fri Mar 1 17:02:11 EST 2002

steiner at (Dave Steiner) wrote in message news:<3b609da.0202190938.3ebfa7c8 at>...
> I've an alpha release available for testing of my Krb5::KDB perl
> modules.  These modules will allow you to read and parse Kerberos
> database dumps, either from a file or directly via "kdb5_util -r
> <realm> dump |".
> If you are interested in this package, please download it from
> and try it
> out.  This is the first alpha release so the interface could change
> based on your comments.  I'm looking for any suggestions, problems,
> etc before I release a beta version to CPAN.
> thanks!
> -ds

Did anyone get a chance to take a look at this?  I haven't seen any
comments, good or bad.  If people think this could be useful, I'll
continue to work on it. Now's the time to make any comments on the API
before I get too far along.  You can either respond here or send me
email directly.


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