How to prevent very very large ccaches?

Nicolas Williams Nicolas.Williams at
Thu Jun 13 16:34:21 EDT 2002

On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 05:14:38PM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
> Why?  What's wrong with having lots of tickets?  Are you actually
> running into a performance problem?

Well, I just trussed the kvno command to add a service ticket to a
ccache with ~1000 tickets in it.

Truss shows a pattern of open()/fcntl(lock)/lseek()/read()s/close() -
kvno does this many, many times, then it gets the new ticket and then it
appends it to the ccache. I did not expect this behaviour.

20 kvno/ssh/whatever processes running in parallel accessing the same
ccache drive the load average up plenty, by almost 20 (lock contention,
I imagine).

Then I used /usr/proc/bin/ptime, which is like time(1) but more
precise, and here's some numbers for kvno (on an otherwise fairly quite

First I time kvno to fetch a ticket into a small ccache. Then I repeat
this command.

Next I time kvno to fetch a ticket for the same service into a very
large ccache. And then I repeat that command.

The large ccache had 1070 service tickets in it. The small ccache had
just a TGT in it.

% KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_SMALL ptime kvno host/
host/ at BAR.COM: kvno = 4

real        0.182
user        0.035
sys         0.033
% KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_SMALL ptime kvno host/
host/ at BAR.COM: kvno = 4

real        0.033
user        0.013
sys         0.015
% KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_BIG ptime kvno host/
host/ at BAR.COM: kvno = 4

real        0.851
user        0.336
sys         0.509
% KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_BIG ptime kvno host/
host/ at BAR.COM: kvno = 4

real        0.884
user        0.344
sys         0.531

So, I think there's a problem here.

For this particular use it makes most sense to me to have an option
to not store the service tickets in the ccache, at least as a short
term solution.

Long term it would be nice to have a ccache implementation that involves
less lock contention and/or requires less CPU time to use.

What I have in mind is a daemon acting as a ccache and the clients
accessing the ccache via IPC communication with the daemon. Or an
mmap()/SysV shared memory interface, perhaps. I prefer a daemon because
then one can put interesting smarts into it, such as knowledge of
how/where to prompt the user in order to get new creds when they expire.

No, I'm not going to implement any of those longterm suggestions, not
anytime soon anyways.

I should post a wishlist sometime, but that'd might just prove annoying.


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