Symbols in kadm5.lib

Tim Mooney mooney at
Wed Jul 24 17:32:35 EDT 2002

In regard to: RE: Symbols in kadm5.lib, Nicolas.Williams at said (at...:

>OV -> OpenVision, the company that donated the source base
>of the current MIT krb5 libkadm5*/kadmin/kadmind.

That much I knew, mainly from some of the copyrights I had seen.
I haven't done any krb5 programming, though, so I wasn't even
familiar enough with the API to know that there was a deprecated
ovsec* API.

>The /tmp/ovsec_adm.XXXXXX files are the ccache names used by
>kadmin when called without -k or -c options. The file naming
>is really historical - besides, for those cases kadmin should
>just use MEMORY type ccaches. In any case, when kadmin exits
>it should destroy those FILE ccaches.

Thanks for the info Nico.  One less mystery for me to wonder about.

Tim Mooney                              mooney at
Information Technology Services         (701) 231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building              (701) 231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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