Bad encryption type from gss-server

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 11 17:45:56 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Carcassone" == Carcassone France <carcassone_fr at> writes:

    Carcassone> Turns out HP-UX B.11.11's KRB5-Client product is based
    Carcassone> on MIT Kerberos V5 1.1.1!!  Since it's been purged out
    Carcassone> of the main MIT distribution page, can you point me to
    Carcassone> where I can download the binaries for a HP KDC v1.1.1?

O, please don't do that.  You really want to be running greater than

OK, so you should confirm that you  only have a single DES service key for your HP server; in kadmin do something like

ktadd -e des-cbc-crc:normal servire/ at REALM

to get a new krb5.keytab.

For a 1.1.1 server with a 1.2.x client and a 1.2.5 KDC that should be

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