Problems compiling krb5-1.2.3

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 18 10:39:34 EST 2002

>>>>> "Dirk" == Dirk Heinrichs <heinrichs at> writes:

    Dirk> Could you tell me the configure options debian uses and the
    Dirk> dependencies?

	(cd build; ../src/configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared \
		--with-ccopts="$(CCOPTS) -D_REENTRANT" --localstatedir=/etc \
		--mandir=/usr/share/man --without-tcl)

Build-Depends: comerr-dev, libncurses5-dev, docbook-to-man, debhelper (>= 2.2.12), bison

Note that Debian hacks Kerberos to use the e2fsprogs com_err rather
than using the one in util/et.

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