[MIT] Simple telnet question

Philippe Perrin philippeperrin at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 11 11:56:55 EST 2002

I forgot to mention the behavior of the telnet client : once the TGT is
acquired, I run the client, and the server asks for a password. I exit the
client, and klist shows me that no host/... ticket has been asked to the
So the problem is that the client does NOT ask for a ticket to the KDC. But
it does with other telnet servers ! What went wrong ? (let me remind you
that this MIT telnet server worked fine with other clients, so I don't think
it can be its fault)


"Philippe Perrin" <philippeperrin at yahoo.com> a écrit dans le message de
news: a48rm4$ub1$1 at news.u-bordeaux.fr...
> Hello
> I was trying to test telnet compatibility between the MIT V5 Kerberos and
> Heimdal (succesfully) when I came accross a strange question. The 3 tests
> below work correctly :
>     1) MIT Server with Heimdal Client
>     2) Heimdal Server with MIT Client
>     3) Heimdal Server with Heimdal Client (!)
> But what doesn't work is :
>     4) MIT Server with MIT Client (!)
> Any idea of why I can't make the MIT client work with its own server ? I
> don't think either or them has a problem, since they both interoperate
> Heimdal correctly. Any hint about the command line switches or
> files ?
> Philippe

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