Error "24" returned from INIT_CONTEXT under load

Dan Riley dsr at
Fri Feb 8 15:43:22 EST 2002

ggsr at (Sreedhar Gupta) writes:
> Error 24 (integer value)means, Preauthentication failed.

Error 24 is preauth failed in KRB_ERROR protocol messages, but *not*
in a library return value.  Library return values have their own
error table distinct from the KRB_ERROR protocol, and, as Nico
said, positive library return values are system errno's, Kerberos
errors are large (in magnitude) negative numbers.
Dan Riley                                         dsr at
 "Mr. Ellison is presently the sole member of the Plan Committee.  The
  Plan Committee did not meet during fiscal year 2001, and during that
       same period, acted 46 times by unanimous written consent."

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