LDAP/Kerberos user management

eichin-krb@thok.org eichin-krb at thok.org
Mon Aug 26 02:08:51 EDT 2002

> Hrrrrrrm, the description of what boxedpenguin has right now sounds almost 
> exactly like what I want to set up..

Well, the boxedpenguin site is still maintained - if you want to get
those packages, and have a debian system, the instructions for using
it as an apt-source should still work...  but if you want
cross-platform support, that's a lot more (per-platform) work [though
there was some BSD integration, it was fairly simple.]

> Do you think it would be worthwhile to resurrect the boxedpenguin project, 
> or maybe just get some interested people and start over again?

Well, I think the boxedpenguin mailinglists still have some people on
them; either way it would be good to post there looking for interest.

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