help.....krb5 on aix 51L.....we did it!!!

Isabelle Doran ihdoran at
Fri Aug 23 10:51:47 EDT 2002

I checked my tree structure and I was unable to find the "brand.c" file
so, I re-downloaded the files from the MIT site.  The tar file found on
the site was different.  The first time I downloaded the files, I had to
download a tar for the src and another one for the doc ( or something
like that).  This time I only had one file to download and guess what
It worked like a charm on my first try.
I can never thank you enough for all the help which helped me pinpoint
my problem.

          + +
Isabelle Doran
Communications Security Establishment
Ottawa, ON
(613) 443-3060
---oooO   Oooo---

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