LDAP/Kerberos user management

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 22 14:04:23 EDT 2002

>>>>> "John" == John Green <green at blueheronbio.com> writes:

    John> Hi, I am trying to find a method for a principal
    John> automatically being created in a Kerberos database while at
    John> the same time adding a corresponding entry to an LDAP
    John> database.  Has anyone heard of or is anyone using something
    John> like this?  

I was working on a prototype of this type of integration and the
initial hacked-together version can be found at
http://www.boxedpenguin.com/.  I'm lno longer working for Mekinok--now
working full-time on Kerberos and that project is basically dead.  But
it illustrates that you can throw something together and get fairly
good results quickly.

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