Make problem with krb4-1.1.1

Edwin Boersma edwin at
Wed Aug 7 08:12:00 EDT 2002

I try to build Kerberos on a SuSE 7.1 server. I encounter a make problem
while making krb4-1.1.1. The message is:

Making all in editline
In function 'TTYinfo':
..../lib/editline/editline.c:245: undefined reference to 'tgetent'
..../lib/editline/editline.c:250: undefined reference to 'tgetstr'
..../lib/editline/editline.c:255: undefined reference to 'tgetnum'
..../lib/editline/editline.c:256: undefined reference to 'tgetnum'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I cannot find anything in de documentation. The configure script ran without

What is missing here? Or did I forgot something?


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