Service Ticket

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 5 11:30:32 EDT 2002

>>>>> "preetam" == preetam R <rpreetam2001 at> writes:

    preetam> Hi, I am new to kerberos. I was going through the rfc1510
    preetam> and couldn't find answer to the following question:

You're much better off reading
draft-ietf-krb-wg-kerberos-clarifications-* even though it is only a
draft; it gets issues like this much better.

    preetam>    When a Service Ticket is presented to the application
    preetam> server, how will it know as to which algorithm was to
    preetam> used to encrypt the ticket. The AP_REQ doesn't seem to
    preetam> contain anything like algo-used field.

EncryptedData contains an enctype, kvno and an octet-string for the
ciphertext.  Since the encrypted part of a ticket is an encrypteddata
there is an enctype associated with the ticket.  There's also an
enctype associated with the session key; they do not need to be the
same and often are not.

Note that RFC 1510 has these two mostly unrelated concepts: etype and
keytype.  Doing things that way is underspecified, so instead over the
wire we (and the revised spec) require a one-to-one correspondance
between ktypes and etypes.

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