upgrading from krb5-1.0b6 to krb5-1.2.5

Art Freeman art at art-freeman.com
Sun Aug 4 16:41:31 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam Hartman" <hartmans at mit.edu>
To: "Art Freeman" <art at art-freeman.com>
Cc: <kerberos at mit.edu>
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2002 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: upgrading from krb5-1.0b6 to krb5-1.2.5

> >>>>> "Art" == Art Freeman <art at art-freeman.com> writes:
>     Art> I've inherited an old krb5-1.0b6 database without the master
>     Art> key.  Is there anyway to load the principles (and keys) from
>     Art> the 1.0b6 database to 1.2.5 database without the master key
>     Art> of the old database?  Thanks in advance for the help.
> If you have a stash file then you can probably get things working.  If
> not, you'd need to crack the DES key or password; that could
> potentially be expensive--as much as $100000 or so if the key is good.

Although there is a stash file krb5_util complains that the key is corrupted
when I try to load the contents of the old database to the new one.  By the
way, are there any plans to provide a function to change the database master
key and change the principals appropriately?

Do you have any suggestions as to which DES cracking tools would be useful?

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