krb5 API

Dan Riley dsr at
Fri Aug 2 18:49:07 EDT 2002

Nicolas.Williams at (Nicolas Williams) writes:
> Oh, yes, IIRC there was a bug in krb5_gic_pwd() that prevented the
> "Password will expire in X [time]" warning from ever being prompted.
> I forget the details, but I can dig it up - IIRC it was pretty obvious.

The one I reported can be found at:

I was tempted to rewrite that entire if, but was trying to keep the
patches minimal.

However, there's also the issue of the meaning of key_exp field which
you've alluded to.  The MIT KDC sets key_exp to the *principal*
expiration time, not the password expiration, so the prompter still
won't trigger on password expiration.  We patch our kdc thusly:

--- kdc/do_as_req.c     Thu Oct 25 15:27:09 2001
+++ ../../krb5/kdc/do_as_req.c  Fri Dec 21 14:12:21 2001
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
        goto errout;
     reply_encpart.nonce = request->nonce;
-    reply_encpart.key_exp = client.expiration;
+    reply_encpart.key_exp = client.pw_expiration;
     reply_encpart.flags = enc_tkt_reply.flags;
     reply_encpart.server = ticket_reply.server;

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