Win2k kerberos client accessing Win2K KDC

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Sun Apr 28 14:51:00 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Ganesh" == Ganesh  <divyag at> writes:

    Ganesh> Hi, I have an environment where all the machines are
    Ganesh> win2k.  The KDC is setup correcltly on the PDC.

    Ganesh> I would like to use MIT kerberos and GSSAPI for client
    Ganesh> authentication. Is this possible? I read somewhere that
    Ganesh> the client cannot use GSSAPI to communicate with the KDC,
    Ganesh> because KDC on Win2k does not understand GSSAPI( why does
    Ganesh> it have to?) Is this true? If so, why?

Seems kind of silly to use MIT Kerberos for GSSAPI.  The Microsoft
implementation will work just fine.

But either using an SSPI application to speak GSSAPI over the wire
using Microsoft Kerberos or using MIt Kerberos to have a GSSAPI
application speak GSSAPI over the wire should both work fine.

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