Jaeger thesis

Noboru HAMADA hanobo at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 27 11:53:22 EDT 2002

I am looking for the following Kerberos related paper.

Jaeger, Eric., "Protocol for Trusted Third Party Access Control",
Bachelor Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 1985.

I asked MIT libraries and publication service for the Jaeger thesis.
But they could not find it after searching library database and asking 
headquarters of computer related two departments, LCS (Laboratory for 
Computer Science) and EECS (Department of Electrical Engineering and 
Computer Science).

Jaeger thesis, however, is cited by the following famous Kerberos paper.

Miller, S., Neuman, C., Schiller, J., and  J. Saltzer, "Section
E.2.1: Kerberos  Authentication and Authorization System",
M.I.T. Project Athena, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 21, 1987.

So, the thesis should exist. Does anyone know where the thesis is?
Any information will help.

Thanks in advance,

Kawasaki, Japan

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