ftpd and AFS tickets

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at bayour.com
Wed Apr 24 10:09:09 EDT 2002

that they'd jusT SUED you!  These people are EVIL!!! They kidnapped my dog
and G$%<S-F4>@^<S-F6>RB. f NO CARRIER

Date: 24 Apr 2002 16:09:09 +0200
In-Reply-To: <20020424095726.B265 at W0594878>
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Quoting "Nicolas Williams" <Nicolas.Williams at ubsw.com>:

> Did you have forwardable tickets to forward?


----- s n i p -----
[egeria.pts/2]$ klist -5f
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1001
Default principal: turbo at BAYOUR.COM

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
04/24/02 11:49:11  04/24/02 15:49:11  krbtgt/BAYOUR.COM at BAYOUR.COM
        Flags: FPIA
04/24/02 11:49:17  04/24/02 15:49:11  host/papadoc.bayour.com at BAYOUR.COM
        Flags: FPAT
----- s n i p -----
assassination nitrate Iran Panama [Hello to all my fans in domestic
surveillance] 767 Uzi president Kennedy counter-intelligence Treasury
CIA KGB supercomputer terrorist
[See http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/index.html for more about this]

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