Pb with kinit on Solaris 5.8 with krb5-1.0.6

Phil Camus philippe.camus at in-fusio.com
Mon Apr 22 08:48:53 EDT 2002

Hello all,

I've just installed Kerboros 5-1.0.6 on a bunch of Solaris 5.8 systems.

It worked fine with root : kinit asked me for "host/hostname at REALM"l, and I was
able to log in on another system using the kerberos rlogin.

However, when I try with a non-root user, kinit asks me only for
"host at REALM" ?!?

Once the corresponding principal is created in the KDC database, it works
fine, but why in tarnation kinit does not ask for the hostname ??? 

Any help would be very welcome. Thanks in advance !

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