[kdc-schema] Re: [Kdc-info] Preliminary draft of LDAP Kerberos schema

Rajasekaran Nagarajan rnagarajan at novell.com
Mon Jun 6 04:45:05 EDT 2005

Hi Leif: 
The attached text document evaluates this LDAP schema against the
Kerberos information model. 
Please, let me know your comments. 
Regards - Raj

>>>Leif Johansson <leifj at it.su.se> 05/18/05 7:11 am >>>
Rajasekaran Nagarajan wrote:
>Attached is a preliminary draft of LDAP Kerberos schema.
>Please, provide your comments on this, so that it can be refined to be
>generic enough for catering to the needs of different Kerberos
>- Raj

Hi Raj,

The krb-wg reached consensus some time ago to finialize an abstract
information model for kerberos and design a schema working from that
model. I have attached the latest version of the model. Can you comment
on how your schema fits into this model?

Cheers Leif

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