[kdc-schema] Re: [Kdc-info] LDAP password policy

Leif Johansson leifj at it.su.se
Sun Jul 13 05:49:35 EDT 2003

Bob Joslin wrote:

>As I recall in San Francisco, the talk about integrating with the KDC
>password policy with the LDAP password policy model was brought up.  Has
>anyone talked with Ludovic or Jim about the kdc-schema meeting after the
>kerberos WG?  It might be very valuable to get their input or gauge their
>kdc-info mailing list
>kdc-info at mit.edu
I don't think so. We should try to corner either of them this week. 
Anyone who
sees them should try to get them to come to the meeting on Tuesday.

       MVH leifj

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