[kdc-schema] Re: [Kdc-info] Info Model?

Morteza Ansari Morteza.Ansari at sun.com
Sun Jul 6 23:37:09 EDT 2003

Leif Johansson wrote:
> Bob Joslin wrote:
> >I recall that I saw a mesage from Leif that contained the info model draft.
> >But scanning my emails and the list does not produce anything.  Either I was
> >dreaming, or I'm blind.  Leif, did you post your draft yet?
> >
> >BTW, Sherman Wu, from HP, will be in Vienna from our team .  If you do work
> >out a BOF, I mentioned that it's likely scheduling/location details would be
> >posted to kdc-info or kdc-schema.  Could someone do that in case a meeting
> >is set up?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Bob
> >
> >
> >
> Hmm... I think I must have missed the crucial step somewhere. The draft
> will follow
> this message. I suggest a bar-bof. Does anyone have enough of a grip on
> the agenda to
> suggest a time?

How about Monday evening?  Just to throw a time, how about 8pm?  I am
personally free after 5:30, so pretty much anytime Monday night would do
for me.


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