[Kdc-info] Preliminary draft of LDAP Kerberos schema

Will Fiveash William.Fiveash at sun.com
Tue Feb 14 19:11:52 EST 2006

On Mon, May 16, 2005 at 09:48:42PM -0600, Rajasekaran Nagarajan wrote:
> Attached is a preliminary draft of LDAP Kerberos schema. 
> Please, provide your comments on this, so that it can be refined to be
> generic enough for catering to the needs of different Kerberos
> distributions. 

> Network Working Group                                          Nagarajan
> Internet-Draft                                              Novell, Inc.
> Expires: November 18, 2005                                  May 17, 2005
>              Kerberos version 5 schema for LDAP Directories
>                   draft-rajasekaran-kerberos-schema-00
> 4.3  krbService
>    krbService class is an abstract class and serves as a super class for
>    krbKdcService, krbAdmService and krbPwdService.
>    An instance of a class derived from krbService is created per
>    Kerberos authentication or administration server or password server
>    in a realm and holds the references to the realm objects.  These
>    references are used to further read realm specific data to service
>    AS/TGS requests.  Additionally this object contains some server
>    specific data like pathnames and ports that the server uses.  This is
>    the identity the Kerberos server logs in with. krbKdcService and
>    krbPwdService all derive from this class.
>    Definition:
>       ( IANA-ASSIGNED-OID.6.3
>       NAME 'krbService'
>       ABSTRACT
>       SUP ( top $ Server $ ndsLoginProperties )
A coworker at Sun points out:

    The krbService is a subclass of 2 Novell's specific objectClasses,
    not standard (server and ndsLoginProperties).

Will this be addressed in the upcoming revision?

>       MUST ( cn )
>       MAY ( krbHostServer $ krbServiceFlags $ krbRealmReferences ))
>    Naming Attribute:
>       cn
>    Containment:
>       organization, organizationalunit, country, locality, domain,
>       krbRealmContainer

Will Fiveash
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Austin, TX, USA (TZ=CST6CDT)

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