[Kdc-info] notes from today

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 12 22:15:36 EST 2003

>>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Williams <Nicolas.Williams at sun.com> writes:

    Nicolas> per _policy_ type.
    >>  >> 2. Nico commented on the need for words about access
    >> control.  >> The next version will have such words.
    >> I'm uncomfortable getting into ACLs at all in this document
    >> even ACL policy types.  I believe that is a major rathole.

    Nicolas> Noone said anything about managing the ACLs through this
    Nicolas> model (in fact, I am against it).

I'm concerned about letting the ideas of ACLs existing show through
into the schema.  I'm concerned that it may interact badly with ACL
systems people have and will provide insufficient value.

What functionality do you want and how will it be useful to you in a
cross-vendor environment.

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